RV-12 737G - 500 hours! Bob Bogash

Bob Bogash

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On Thursday, March 29, 2017, my Vans RV-12 airplane reached 500 hours of flight time.
About 1000 flights into about 100 airports
It was just under four years since her First Flight
The following photo essay recounts (just) some of her many adventures.

Departing Paine Field

500 Hours!

March 17, 2012 - Arrival of the kit

Working with Tony T. - my Bro and Mentor

August 2012 - Where do all these wires go???

Electronics work!

We're almost there - 90% done.... and 90% yet to go

Wings on - starting to look like a real airplane

A Big Day!  Inspection and Certificate of Airworthiness from the FAA.
January 23, 2013

A Bigger Day!  April 3, 2013 - First Flight!
A little airplane in a big, big sky

What a day!  The famous "Van's Grin"

Two months of flight testing

First Climb to 10,000 ft.

Testing, testing... and then, after about 20 hours and two months
 completion of the testing

Dot - my first passenger!

Exploring the great Pacific Northwest by air

Astoria, Oregon

Olympic Mountains

Ocean Shores, Washington

Waterville, E. Washington

Hoquiam, Washington

Friday Harbor - San Juan Island, Washington

Flying over Mt. Rainier climbing to 16, 214 ft altitude

On oxygen at 16,000 ft over Mt. Rainier

Frequent trips to Museum of Flight at Boeing Field

Hampshire Field at Grant's Pass, Oregon

Lunch at Nancy's Airport Cafe in Willows, California

Bedded down for the night with a Grumman F3F
Sonoma, California

Some of my many passengers

Dave Waggoner - Paine Field Airport Manager - Everett, Washington
Jon Proctor - Aviation Author - Sandpoint, Idaho

Dan Dornseif - Southwest Airlines 737 Captain              Jim Brown - Retired Boeing colleague


Peter Morton                                                Jack Wimpress

My Eastern Bro Kevin Lacey from near Syracuse, New York

Visiting Ron Ochs on his farm near Madras, Eastern Oregon

Cascade Mountains

Starting to support my Museum work - Boeing 727 Prototype

Medford, Oregon

Mount Shasta, California

Lockheed Super G Constellation

Boeing B-29

Working on American Airlines Boeing 727-200

  My airplane is truly unique - hanging out with the Big Airplanes

See what I mean!

My (late) good friend Joe Blank from Vans Aircraft said.....
"she looks like she's nursing from Mom!"

Boeing B-17

10 years later - the Boeing B-47

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

Seattle Seahawks Stadium

Grain elevators - Brewster, Eastern Washington

Boeing Flight Line - KC-46 Tankers

Seattle Mariners baseball game at Safeco Field

Olympic Mountains from Tony T.'s airplane

Lake Washington Ship Canal

Air Force One and 727 Prototype

Hope, British Columbia

Arctic oil drilling platform

Point Roberts, Washington

From the Boeing 727 Prototype - N7001U - before Last Flight

Landing, Pt. Townsend, Washington


Landing, Boeing Field, Seattle

The Big Time!
Landing Runway 16R at Sea-Tac - Seattle Tacoma International Airport

Harbor Island, Seattle


Fraser River, east of Vancouver, B.C.

Langley, Whidbey Island, Washington

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Boeing Field - my RV-12 is my volunteer work taxi

Paine Field, Everett

With Big Sisters at Paine Field - Everett

Forest fire near Roseburg, Oregon

    Pacific near Tattoosh, Washington

along the Washington Coast

Dot's Birthday - lunch at Roche Harbor on San Juan Island
20 minutes vs 2 days and 4 ferry rides!

Cruise ship .... heading for Alaska

Douglas DC-2

Darrington, Washington

Paine Field, Everett


Photographing my friend Mort in his Cub

....and my pal and mentor Tony T. in his RV-12

From the pilot's seat of N7001U - the Boeing 727 Prototype
Two of my loves

Dancing with clouds

Seeing the world as only God...... and pilots can

Outside her hangar - Port Townsend, Washington

Saddle Mountains - Eastern Washington

Departing Eastsound on Orcas Island

Mt. Rainier and Seattle poking through the morning fog

Taxiing in at the Museum - I've now been targeted by the Plane Spotters!

Wore out a set of tires - new tire installed on the right

Mt. Hood - east of Portland, Oregon

Mothball aircraft carriers - Bremerton Naval Shipyard

Space Needle and Lake Union

Wow!  Never get tired of seeing the Cascades.

Short final for Runway 27 at Pt. Townsend

Visiting one of my Ladies - the 727 Prototype before her Final Flight

My home base - Port Townsend, Washington

Getting used to looking down on other airplanes
Here - an Alaska Airlines 737 departing Sea-Tac

and..... another one!

An Air Force C-130 climbing out of McChord AFB

An EA-18G Growler above near Whidbey Island NAS

and another one below!

Following a Boeing 737 into Boeing Field

Friends Fred McCarthy and Peter Morton on Whidbey Island

And Dot - my constant Co-pilot - at Anacortes

Heading out for a new adventure....

Looking down on home - Hansville - after a long day working on the 727.
20 minutes of beauty vs 3 hours fighting traffic on the ferry.

Much have I traveled in the Realms of Gold

A lot of adventures - and these are just a few - a very few......
Airplanes are.... magical.... which is why I love them - so.

"I'm on the top of the World, looking down on Creation...."

Copyright 2017 Robert Bogash.  All Rights Reserved
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